Fabio Terribile
Terribile, Fabio (University of Naples Federico II). Degree in Agriculture (Univ. Napoli), PhD in Soil Science at the University of Aberdeen (UK).
Full professor at Università di Napoli Federico II and Director of a Research Centre on the Earth Critical Zone (www.crisp.unina.it). He has been President of the Italian Society of Pedology (2010-2016) and currently (2018-2022) he is President of Commission 1 at International Union of Soil Sciences.
He is/has been in the Editorial Board of Solid Earth, Soil Research, Italian Journal of Agronomy and Guest Editor (Quaternary International).
Project leader of many national and international research projects (e.g. COST, LIFE+, H2020) and component of national and international Boards for research evaluation (e.g. FP7, FAO).
Author of more than 100 publications (including chapters and books) including 66 publications on ISI journals. h index (scopus): 20.
His research interest spans in different domains of soil science and land evaluation. Currently he has a strong interest in Geospatial Decision Supporting System applied to land management and land conservation.
In the last years he was strongly involved in soil policy issues at National (promoter of a new soil law adopted by the Italian Senate ddl1181) and European level (promoter of a petition from 1400 European soil scientists against the European Soil Directive withdraw).